4-H Youth & Development

Tribal Extension is a unique program as the tribal agents incorporate Navajo culture while teaching the 4-H projects. There has been an increasing interest in the weaving project that is out of the "New Mexico Roundup" 4-H curriculum. Navajo weaving is a history of the Navajo people and its mythology stories.
Weaving is a time for the weaver to express one's self, by the use of colors and designs. During weaving sessions, the agents share Navajo teachings, history and stories about weaving. The participants learn how to string their 4 x 4 inch cardboard looms, with cotton strings, then coordinating the colors of yarn, weaving in and out, lastly a completed woven coaster.
Throughout the year, the agent provides education in areas of nutrition, diabetes, Navajo traditional foods, Gardening, health and 4-H projects. Within the past years, the agent has established programs at the Hanaa'dli Office of Dine Youth, Shiprock Office of Dine Youth, and Crownpoint Office of Dine Youth.
How to Join 4-H
The 4-H enrollment period begins October 1st of each year for youth ages 9-19. Children 5-8 years of age are encouraged to enroll in a special introductory program called Cloverbuds.
The following are the specific age requirements per group:
CLOVERBUD: Ages 5 to 8 years old.
NOVICE: Ages 9 to 11 or age 8 and in the 3rd grade prior to January 1 of the current 4-H year.
JUNIOR: Ages 12 to 13. A 4-H member must have passed his/her 12th birthday or be 11 years old and in the 6th grade but not have passed his/her 14th birthday prior to January 1 of the current 4-H program year.
SENIOR: Ages 14 to 19. A 4-H member must have passed his/her 14th birthday or be 13 years old and in the 8th grade but not have passed his/her 19th birthday prior to January 1 of the current 4-H program year.
- McKinley CES
This link will take you to McKinley CES 4-H enrollment page. You may also call the office at 505-863-3432
- San Juan CES
This link will take you to San Juan CES 4-H information page. You may also call the office at 505-334-9496